If you are interested in engaging with people from the Middle East, whether they are neighbours, acquaintances or work colleagues, the following resources may be of help to you:
MECO Recommended Reading List
Wealth and Piety: Middle Eastern Perspectives for Expat Workers – Karen Shaw
Touching the Soul of Islam – Bill Musk
Mothers, Mini skirts and Muslims – Christine Mallouhi
My Rights My God – Robin Wells
Understanding Islam – A Guillaume
Introduction to Islam – D Brown 2nd Edition 2009
Reaching Muslims for Christ – W Saal
The Crescent through the Eyes of the Cross: – Nabeel Jabbour
Fresh Vision for the Muslim World – Mike Kuhn
A Wind in the House of Islam – David Garrison
Building Bridges, Christianity and Islam – Fouad Elias Accad
Woman to Woman – Joy Loewen
Anyone, Anywhere, Any Time – Mike Shipman
Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes – Kenneth E. Bailey
Cross-cultural Servanthood: Serving the World in Christlike Humility – Duane Elmer
Foreign to Familiar – Sarah A. Lanier
Ministering Cross-Culturally: A Model for Effective Personal Relationships – Sherwood G. Lingenfelter
Loving Muslims Together (LMT) is a national organization of volunteer networks across Canada that work to help individuals and churches to befriend their Muslim neighbours. For more information go to: www.lovingmuslimstogether.outreach.ca
DVD Courses:
Bridges – Christians connecting with Muslims
This study—featuring real-life stories, interviews, and practical teaching—clears up the confusion surrounding Islam and helps you see Muslims as Jesus sees them.
Friendship First
The Friendship First Course helps equip Christians with vision, confidence, skills and resources to make friends with Muslim people and to share the greatest gift of love which is Jesus himself. www.friendshipfirst.org