MECO Canada is a faith mission which means we are dependent on God to provide financially for our ministry. He does that by leading people to support our general fund and our projects, which includes the work of our missionaries. If you sense God calling you to help us carry out our ministry, donations to MECO Canada can be made by:
e-transfer to office@mecocanada.ca
Automatic bank withdrawaL
DOWNLOAD Preauthorized Debit form
Please note you may designate your donation for a specific project:
Genesis – Ministry in Canada
Exodus – Media outreach to Middle Eastern people living in the Middle East and around the world
African Hope Learning Centre – Elementary school for African refugee children in Egypt
Beloved Women Organization – Outreach to Middle Eastern Women living in the Greater Toronto Area
General Fund – Supports MECO Canada’s work in recruiting, training, sending and supporting missionaries in their ministry to churches and Christian organizations
Through Canada Helps: www.canadahelps.ca (Make sure you make your donation to: Middle East Christian Outreach Canada)
Mailing cheques to:
MECO Canada
1377 Walker’s Line Burlington, ON L7M 0Z1
Where do your donations go?
Spending of funds is confined to programs and projects approved by Middle East Christian Outreach Canada. Each contribution donated toward such an approved program or project will be used as designated by the donor with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by MECO Canada, any remaining contributions will be used where needed most.
All accounts are reviewed periodically by our Board of Directors and are reviewed annually by an external professional accountant appointed by the Board. Annual financial statements are available upon request
Please note: We respect personal privacy and do not disclose information to others.
Nor will we solicit donations from you in the future.
We trust God to provide for us through those He calls to give.